The whole story expanded Black narratives through the art of storytelling from January 2017 to February 2022.
Rachel Eseoghene Egboro created and directed the live storytelling show in partnership with Phoenix Art Museum and Dan Hull of The Storyline.
Each quarter, five people developed and delivered their personal stories on life, loss, and everything in between.
After 70 stories and 16 live & virtual shows, The Whole Story continues as an archive of black narratives on SoundCloud, YouTube, and our daily lives.
In the words of the late Rodney Lofton, “we will run until we finish.”
To learn more about what Rachel Eseoghene (now) Ojo has been up to lately, click here.
“I appreciated the boldness of those that shared as well as the diversity of perspectives.”
“I love attending these shows. I am so intrigued and moved hearing the stories of others. I love seeing different races join together in the same room to learn about the lives and experiences of people that may not look the same on the outside but can connect on the inside. It’s such a valuable experience and I think we could all learn more and become more connected if we took the time to listen to one another’s stories. Thank you for offering this amazing event!”
“I love the mix of funny, poignant, and thought-provoking subjects. And there are some fabulous storytellers who always have a great slant on the stories they share.”
“Hearing the stories of people who identify with the African Disaspora was very affirming. Some I could relate directly too. Storytelling was masterful. I am not from Az originally and would feel sad that there were no cultural events that were inclusive of all people of African descent. The Whole Story events gives me a sense of belonging.”